What is this study assessing?
The project will examine what it means to implement a complex middle school mathematics program as intended, and the relationship between curriculum implementation and student outcomes.
How will the study be conducted?
WestEd will partner with districts and schools using Illustrative Mathematics (IM) or other high-quality middle school mathematics curricula. Following a quasi-experimental design with target (IM) and comparison (non-IM) district sites, the research team will match schools with schools that have similar school-level characteristics. We will gather data from teachers and students to understand curriculum implementation and outcomes, and gather administrative data to understand district- and school- provided implementation supports. The analysis will describe implementation and impact in different contexts.
What is required to participate?
Please see Study Eligibility
What are the district and school commitments?
Please see District and School Commitments
How do I find out more?
Please complete the form below and we will reach out to share more about the study! Interested state and local educators can also email Dr. Rebecca Perry or call (415) 615-3289.